-=B-T-A=- Alpha Company


Welcome to the =-B-T-A=- BFV Alpha Company Site

Alpha Company:

-=B-T-A=-Cpt.Heroism - Leader

-=B-T-A=-Lt."Open" - Deputy Leader

-=B-T-A=-Pvt.DoGG - Solider

-=B-T-A=-Pvt.menttoers - Solider

-=B-T-A=-Pvt.Shadow - Solider

-=B-T-A=-Pvt.David Sterling - Solider

-=B-T-A=-Pvt.Maggeth - Solider

-=B-T-A=-Pvt.Erling - Solider

-=B-T-A=-Rec.Snoop - Solider

Hello troops, and welcome to BTA's Vietnam Division's Alpha Company. My name is Reed (Heroism) I am 15 years old. I have been good friends with Viper for about 4 years now. I have run many BF squads in my years of gaming. I am looking forward to running another Vietnam Division. So clean your rifles and get ready to fight. "Welcome To The Jungle"


If you would like to join go to http://btaclan.chuk.info/bfv/index.php and fill out an application.


